So, the classes: I'm enjoying both of the Project Management courses I'm taking. The one in Stanford is lighter and easier... but the one in university of California is REALLY good! The instructor is great he knows everything about project management, and he is not just a theory guy, he worked for 30 years, so that's how good he knows his stuff. He gives us very realistic examples which makes it easier for us to understand.
I didn't start yoga classes... there is no time for that now, but I did start tennis classes, and I'm enjoying it. It's a pity I lost the first class, and i had to miss the last class to go to Coldplay concert, but it's ok... I will try to follow up with the rest of the girls.
We had a wonderful time in the past 2 weekends. Friday 3rd of July was holiday here, so we had a barbecue in our complex, it was fun, Vivi and I bought food for a whole army, hehehe, so it was a it expensive but we had food for 3 days after that :). The day after Rafa, Fernando, Andriana and I went to LA!!! So much fun! we went to Disneyland on Saturday, then we slept in LA, and had a little walk on Hollywood Blvd Sunday morning and then we headed to Universal Studios: SUPA COOL! :)
Last weekend, we had a Friday dinner in our house , Robi came too, it was nice but I had this huge headache, so I wasn't the nicest person on earth... hehehe But I did had fun after the medicine started making effect.
On Saturday we went cycling in Santa Cruz, and by mistake we found a great Brazilian restaurant Roberto knew about: loved it. I'm thinking of going there periodically... Santa cruz is just half an hour away, and you can enjoy the beach after having a feijoada! We rode our bikes until Capitola, easy and nice ride.
On Sunday we went to have breakfast in Palo Alto, a cute place which I don't remember the name... something Italian :). After that we went to Sanfran and did more than 20 miles on our bikes, from Robi's house to Tiburon, it was wonderful. I even felt from my bike (I'm not very good on using my brakes yet, hehehe) , so this week I have a very ugly hurt in my elbow: urght!
This morning we went to do our California ID's, I can't wait too see them!!!! :D
Today's new word: potty!
We had our Sunday breakfast at Cafe' Borrone, in Menlo Park.